
Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP) are necessary for better aquaculture sector

Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP) in the aquaculture industry could provide a potential solution to the many levels of uncertainty and reassure buyers, retailers, and civil society regarding these concerns. Growing health risks are linked to the expansion of aquaculture. Consumer food safety depends on the aquaculture management strategies used by the growers. To ensure that fish are produced in a safe manner, many nations throughout the world, including the United States, the European Union, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia, have embraced the Good Aquaculture Practices standard.

What is Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP)?

In order to maximize environmental and economic sustainability, product quality and safety, animal health, and worker safety, good aquacultural practices (GAqPs) must be used. In addition, GAqPs must reduce the possibility of a disease breakout on the farm. It is also called best management practices (BMPs) and good agricultural practices (GAPs).

The goal of GAqP is to promote effective and responsible aquaculture production and expansion while ensuring the quality, safety, and environmental sustainability of the end product. Unfortunately, GAqP is not a requirement that all farmers must follow; rather, it is a voluntary practice adopted to allow aquaculture producers to increase their profits.

GAqP is a collection of ideas, practices, and protocols created to promote effective and ethical aquaculture production. Examples include pollution-free farm areas, fish fry rich in pure genetic quality, cautious use of aqua-drugs and chemicals, adulteration-free, high-quality fish feed supplies, along with all advised practices in the culture cycle.

Necessity of GAqP

By giving a platform that acknowledges and rewards sustainable aquaculture practices, this standard aims to enhance aquaculture. GAqP tries to keep this standard generic because it is thought that some species are better suited for sustainable farming than others. This is done in order to prevent lower sustainability of the overall farming activity due to species specific parameters (such as higher levels of fish protein required in feed). The development of sustainable aquaculture practices shall not be hampered by a lack of knowledge regarding particular species or culture techniques.

Farmers frequently use poor quality agricultural waste and byproducts as feeds due to a lack of financial resources and the high cost of prepared feeds. These subpar feeds are wet and unstable in liquid. The water quality in the ponds might significantly deteriorate due to faecal matter and uneaten meals. These effluents are frequently dumped into larger bodies of water, like rivers and canals, which causes additional pollution-related issues.

Nowadays, consumers look for both quality and quantity. Farmers will suffer significant losses as a result of their reliance solely on the domestic market if we are unable to export fish and fishery products on a substantial scale. To generate foreign exchange, we must invest in a secure area. Therefore, safe fish production is essential for maintaining public health and developing a healthy nation.

Farmers should adhere to the Code of Conduct of Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP) for the various aquaculture systems as recommendations to promote sustainable and best aquaculture practices in view of the growing concern regarding the environmental, economic, and social impacts of aquaculture development.



Farhana Islam
Agriculturist, Researcher

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