Fishermen in Sherpur Upazila of Bogra, have achieved success in commercial Freshwater shrimp or Galda shrimp farming with the help of the Fisheries Department. The farmers of the upazila are being encouraged to do Galda-carp mixed farming as there is more profit with less capital. The Fisheries department is helping them to increase the fish production. The farmers are getting expected results due to the scientific method of fish farming.
Following this mix farming method the cost of fish farming is low and the production is high. In Sherpur upazila, a farmer is earning Tk 450,000 (USD 4500) in 5 months from 50 decimal of land by cultivating Galda-carp mixed farming. Observing their success, many people are getting interested in fish farming.
Abdul Razzak, a fish farmer of Mirzapur Union, said that about Tk 100,000 (USD 1000) has been spent on Galda-carp mixed farming on 50 decimal of land with the demonstration of the upazila fisheries officer. The fish becomes marketable within 4-5 months. I have already sold fish worth Tk 400,000 (USD 4000) and expecting to sell another Tk 150,000 (USD 1500) worth of fish.
Inchanur Rahman of Shubogacha village said, I received a demonstration of freshwater shrimp – carp farming under the Rajshahi Division’s Fisheries Development Project. Besides, I have spent 100,000 (USD 1000) on shrimp farming. I have provided ready-made feed for Freshwater shrimp farming. I am expecting to earn 500,000 (USD 5000).
Local fish farmer Sohail Rana and Rakibul Islam said, we started farming with 5000 shrimp fry at a cost of Tk 200,000 (USD 2000), about 500-600 kg of freshwater shrimp can be obtained from this. Currently Galda shrimps are being sold at Tk 1000-1100 (USD 10-11) per kg in the market. I hope to make a profit of 100,000 (USD 1000) by selling my shrimps.
Farmers also said that along with shrimp feed, floating feed for carp is given in the morning and evening. For every 100 kg of fish, 3 to 4 kg of feed per day is required. Regular supply of oxygen is required to get optimum result. Galda or freshwater shrimps are not that disease prone. Apart from Sherpur, the produced shrimps will be sold in different bazaars of other areas.
Upazila Fisheries Officer Masud Rana Sarkar said that the water and weather conditions of this upazila are suitable for freshwater shrimp cultivation. Five farmers brought 25,000 PL (post larvae) from Barisal BRAC Hatchery. We are providing all kinds of support to them including the training. Although there are some challenges in shrimp farming, we can say fish farmers have been successful in Galda-carp mixed farming.