
Exploring potentiality of coastal aquaculture in Bangladesh.

The BOBP facilitated a planning meeting between Syed Mahmudul Huq, the chairman of Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF), and the representatives from manufacturers and exporters of feed, probiotics, and other aqua inputs in India on October 06, 2022, at its secretariat. The meeting was attended by office bearers from the Society of Aquaculture Professionals (SAP), All India Shrimp Hatchery Association (AISHA), feed manufacturers/ distributors, and independent aquaculture consultants.

The discussions focused on all aspects of possible collaboration relating to shrimp and fish feeds and other aqua inputs including technical expertise for the development of sustainable coastal aquaculture in Bangladesh; possible investment by Indian manufacturers in different aqua inputs including feeds in Bangladesh and identification of appropriate ingredients that could lower the carbon footprint.

The BOBP and the BSFF agreed, in principle, to work closely on facilitating cross-learning and experience-sharing between the stakeholders in Bangladesh and India and engagement with policymakers of both countries.

Bangladesh Shrimp & Fish Foundation
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