
Shrimp Export hits rock bottom on Ukraine crisis

The 2020 was known for covid-19, so the shrimp export from Khulna was virtually stopped earlier of the year. Bangladeshi shrimp is mainly exported to Europe and America. Once the Covid-19 crisis subsided, shrimp export regained the momentum by the end of the year. Although that period was short, only a few months. Then the conflict in East Europe have started.

This East European conflict has a major impact on shrimp exports, both directly and indirectly. Since it has started, shrimp exports to East Europe have hit the rock bottom. The effects of this conflict are having a negative impact on the economy of Europe as a whole.

Due to the complications caused by the crisis and the fear of economic recession, other European countries have also reduced their purchase orders for shrimp and are not willing to pay the same price as before. And this has directly affected the country’s shrimp industry. Exporters, shrimp farmers to all workers are passing the time fearing the unknown.

Bangladesh exported 731 tons of shrimp to Russia last fiscal year. According to the information from Khulna Fisheries Inspection and Quality Control Office (FIQC), it has come down to only 240 tons this year.
On the other hand, exports to Ukraine in FY21 were 119 tones which is down by 78%.

In this context, Mr. Humayun Kabir, Vice President of Bangladesh Frozen Foods Exporters Association (BFFEA) said,
“Due to the war, the export of shrimp to Russia and Ukraine is suspended. The pandemic and the war have had a huge impact on the export of shrimp.
No one in the industry is better off. Many farmers lost their capital and changed occupations for livelihood. Many farmers are turning to white fish farming instead of shrimp.”

Mr. Golam Kibria Ripon is the General Secretary of Khulna Divisional Prawn Breeders Association. He said that the shrimp farmers are facing extreme problems due to the Russia-Ukraine war after the closure of Covid. At this time, shrimp production also decreased for many reasons.

Mr. Ripon himself is an award winning shrimp farmer of Paikgacha Upazila.

Mr. Md. Abu Saeed, Deputy Director of Khulna FIQC, admitted that shrimp export has decreased.
He also added that, the Department of Fisheries is monitoring the overall situation and taking steps to increase the export earnings. We are also working to ensure that exporters are not affected”.

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Zubair Khan

He's actively involved in initiatives to expand the country's seafood industry on a global scale and bring about transformative changes in the aquaculture industry, embracing the advancements of the fourth industrial revolution. Khan's dedication lies in making this sector equitable for all stakeholders and fostering sustainability in the global seafood industry.

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