Search Results for: khulna


Vietnam seafood export reached USD 10 billion for the 1st time

A “Celebration of seafood exports exceeding USD 10 billion” was held on December 10th in the evening in Ho Chi…

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How sustainable is Bangladesh’s shrimp farming

The southwest coast of the country features a distinct brackish water ecosystem. This area is well known as one of…

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Bagerhat Shrimp farmers and odds of fate

The southwest coastal districts of Bangladesh are very important for the shrimp industry. Bagerhat, Satkhira, Khulna are the major contributors…

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Shrimp sale improved 47%, productivity 125% by SAFETI project

The shrimp production of 27K shrimp farmers has increased by 16.6% in six years, according to the project officials of…

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Dry fish sector of Bangladesh requires more attention

Bangladesh’s dried fish is gaining traction both in the local and export market. Local consumption of Bangladesh is quite large…

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How far is Vannamei shrimps commercial farming in Bangladesh

Shrimp is one of the top seafood delicacy across the globe regardless the borders and cultures. Seafood enthusiast loves shrimps…

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Bangladesh shrimp farms require adequate SPF post larva

Bagda shrimp or black tiger shrimp farmers in Bangladesh mostly depend on local supply for their aquaculture practice. But unfortunately…

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Bangladesh shrimp export earnings have dropped in the first quarter of current fiscal year.

Bangladesh shrimp export earnings saw an increase during the FY21-22. But with an anticipation of recession coming amid the ongoing…

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Authorities have taken strong stands against shrimp adulteration.

Frozen fish exporters say, few depots in Khulna often inject jelly like liquid substances or tiny transparent marbles to increase…

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Shrimp Export hits rock bottom on Ukraine crisis

The 2020 was known for covid-19, so the shrimp export from Khulna was virtually stopped earlier of the year. Bangladeshi…

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