Search Results for: farhana


Transboundary pathogen transfers can hamper shrimp industry

Transboundary animal diseases are potentially epidemic, highly contagious illnesses that can spread quickly. They could have detrimental effects on public…

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World Ocean Day: Striving for Ocean Sustainability

The United Nations World Ocean Day 2023 is June 8. This year’s theme is “Planet Ocean: Tides are changing”. It…

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How to design a successful aquaponics system

In general, an ideal aquaponics system will assist you in making money by selling its products to buyers at markets…

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Major types of Aquaponics system

The majority of human beings desire to have a nice green space in their home, balcony, or roof. However, there…

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Conservation of Riverine Pangas is a concerning issue

There was a time when big sized riverine Rui, Katla, Pangas etc fishes were served any occasions to guests. River…

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Snakehead fish fry “Baish” catching should be prohibited

More than 300 native freshwater fish species were discovered in Bangladesh at one time. Many species have become extinct, while…

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Guide to design aquaponics system for commercial purpose

Aquaponics is a method of cultivating both fish and vegetables that is environmentally friendly. Individuals, entrepreneurs, academics, missionaries, and governments…

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Aquaponics, a potential tool for sustainable fish and vegetable cultivation

What is Aquaponics? Aquaponics system is the integrated production of fish and hydroponic vegetables with nutrient solution recirculation and the…

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Facts of Recirculating Aquaculture System

What is RAS? Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) is a water recycling and reuse device that removes suspended debris and metabolites.…

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Women in fishery can be a catalyst for sustainable aquaculture of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is an agrarian developing country with abundant natural fisheries resources. If a significant portion of Bangladesh’s ponds can be…

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