Search Results for: seafood


Mariculture deserves an attention to enhance the blue economy of Bangladesh

The Blue Economy approach emphasized that the ideas, principles, and norms of the Blue Economy contribute significantly to poverty eradication,…

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Aquaculture Industry in India has changed the fish production scenario

India consists of an enormous territory surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea. The…

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New discovery of reference genome may revolutionize Tilapia culture

The Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is considered the third most significant fish for aquaculture among freshwater species. According to FAO,…

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The overlooked benefits of Aquaculture

The contribution of the aquaculture industry to global food security and nutrition has become widely acknowledged. And its importance in…

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Business Insights

February 2023,
Shrimp Export Infographic, Khulna

Total 75 consignments were completed from the Khulna zone during the month of February 2023. Out of these 75 containers,…

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The enormous potentiality of seaweed afforestation to fight climate change

Seaweed absorbs enormous amounts of CO2, and it is well-acknowledged in the scientific community. But the extent of its potential…

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Sustainable aquaculture is one of the key way to feed the growing population

Sustainable aquaculture is the commercial production of fish species using practices that are profitable, promote the growth of the local…

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CBFM based activities needed for the management of fisheries sector

What is CBFM? Community based fisheries management, or CBFM, is founded on the idea that each community is accountable for…

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Indonesia set ambitious shrimp production target

The Indonesian government has set a goal of producing 2 million metric tons (MT) of shrimp by 2024. However, several…

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Salinity intrusion in a changing climate scenario accelerated migration crisis in the coastal area

Majedul and Masura and their three children reside in the Rathkhola Bill of Munjitpur in Satkhira. Majedul pulls a van…

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