
Bangladesh “National Fisheries Week, 2023” starts from today

The fisheries sector has a significant impact on maintaining nutrition and food security, reducing poverty, and enhancing people’s socioeconomic conditions. Bangladesh is going to celebrate “National Fisheries Week 2023” from July 24th through 30th to address the situation.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, the theme of National Fisheries Week in 2023 is “Nirapad Mache Bharabo Desh, Gorbo Smart Bangladesh (Let’s fill the country with safe fish production and Build the Smart Bangladesh)”.

The ministry has planned various programs on the event at the central, district, and upazila levels. To carry out the field-level programs, district, hill district, and upazila committees have been established. Several press conferences, TVCs, talk shows, and other events will be planned during this national fisheries week.

Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI), Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC), WorldFish, Navy, Frozen Food Export Association, Fish Industries Association, Bangladesh Fish and shrimp Foundation and Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Association will be included in the effort to carry out national fisheries week activities.

Today at 8:00 am on Manik Mia Avenue in the capital, a rally is supposed to take place as part of the program’s opening day. Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim will attend the event as the chief guest.

Additionally, a press conference will be held by the Fisheries and Livestock Ministry at 10:30 am at Matsya Bhavan. The DOF, BFDC, and Navy will hold a vibrant naval rally at Hatirjheel that day at 4:00 p.m.

On July 25, honorable speaker, the Bangladesh National Assembly will release fries as part of a festival in the lake at the Bhaban of the Bangladesh National Assembly.

On July 26, the third day of the week, the honorable president of Bangladesh will release fish fries in Bangabhaban Lake.

On July 27, BFRI is going to organize a research symposium and release rui fry in specific aquatic body of Haor region.

Throughout the week, the ministry will also host a variety of local and national events all throughout the nation to recognize 21 people and organizations for their contributions to fish farming. Electronic media outlets are airing a week-long program stressing the significance of Fisheries Week.

In addition to this, the division, district, and upazilla level fisheries related unit office will put on a number of events such rallies, news conferences, debate forums, award ceremonies, and training and workshop sessions for the recipients.

Additionally, the National Fisheries Week district and upazilla level programs last a full week and include conducting public awareness campaigns, putting up banners and festoons, showing documentaries on the advancements and successes of the current administration in the fisheries sector, holding mobile courts to enforce fisheries laws, offering advice to farmers about fish farming, and distributing fish farming supplies to the farmers.

Farhana Islam
Agriculturist, Researcher

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