Search Results for: seafood


Value-added fish products and its enormous potentiality

What is value added product? One of the healthiest foods on the planet is fish, and Bangladesh is currently self-sufficient…

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Road to blue economy: Horseshoe crab hatchery set up in Cox’s Bazar

A natural hatchery has been set up at Cox’s Bazar beach to carry out research on the Horseshoe crab, a…

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Fish by-product and its importance for fisheries industry

What is fish by-product? Certain components of fish and prawns are thrown away as waste during processing and preservation. In…

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Hormones, antibiotics and waste polluting Bangladesh’s freshwater aquaculture, raising safety concerns!

Bangladesh is an agro-based economy, and the freshwater aquaculture plays a significant role in reducing protein deficit and malnutrition while…

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Tartaric acid shows promising results against shrimp diseases

A recent study conducted by the scientists of Iran and Russia examined the potential benefits of dietary tartaric acid, a…

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Bangladesh fisheries sector requires climate data assistance amidst growing challenges

The aquaculture industry in Asia, especially Bangladesh, could suffer a loss of US$140 million over ten years as a result…

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Spotted snakehead or Taki fish; its importance and culture potentialities in aquaculture industry

Taki fish: One member of the Channidae family is the spotted snakehead catfish or taki fish (Channa punctata). Asia is…

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Turkish Tuna farmers achieved magnificent success exporting to Japan over the last decade

Turkish tuna farmers have experienced a remarkable threefold increase in exports to Japan over the last decade, alongside venturing into…

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Fishing bycatch: causes, arising problems and management plan

What is bycatch? Occasionally, fishermen capture creatures that they are not permitted to retain, cannot sell, or do not want…

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Hilsa production doubled in Bangladesh, surpassing previous records

The current production of Hilsa in Bangladesh has exceeded all previous records, reaching 571 thousand metric tons or MT. Consequently,…

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