Search Results for: sustainable shrimp


Shrimp farming in mangrove, a threat and a solution to conservation

Mangrove forests are one of the marvels of nature and a productive biodiverse ecosystem in the world. It plays a…

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Shrimp farming in boxes, Indiana has its first harvest from a cutting edge shrimp farm

Do you know what a Shrimpbox is? It’s a smart, automated farm which farming shrimp in boxes that setup close…

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Shrimp industry and the Empowerment of Women

Bangladesh is a developing country with approx. 166 million inhabitants and half of whom are women. In the country, fishing…

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ADB approved $93 million loan for Indonesian small shrimp farmer developments

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a USD 93 million loan to improve production by Indonesian small shrimp farmer…

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Morocco is getting their first ever land-based shrimp farm

Novaton, a swiss company recently started to build their first land-based shrimp farm in The Kingdom of Morocco. It will…

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Sri Lanka to get $1.2m investment from Korea on shrimp aquaculture

The Republic of Korea through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is investing USD 1.2 million to…

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First ever Global Shrimp Forum to take place in Utrecht, Netherlands

The global warm-water shrimp production has doubled in the last decade and over the course of the next thirty years,…

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Management of Dissolved Oxygen level is very crucial to make an aquaculture venture successful

Fish farming, sometimes referred to as aquaculture, is a growing popular technique for producing food that involves raising freshwater and…

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Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and it’s benefits

IMTA: Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) is a system that feeds species with organisms that extract organic materials and extractive inorganic…

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The Blue Economy: A catalyst for economic growth and development in coastal Bangladesh

The Blue Economy, which includes the use of marine resources, seeks to boost economic growth by exploiting resources in a…

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