Search Results for: farhana


Spotted snakehead or Taki fish; its importance and culture potentialities in aquaculture industry

Taki fish: One member of the Channidae family is the spotted snakehead catfish or taki fish (Channa punctata). Asia is…

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Fishing bycatch: causes, arising problems and management plan

What is bycatch? Occasionally, fishermen capture creatures that they are not permitted to retain, cannot sell, or do not want…

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Culture Technique of Snakehead Catfish, Shoal in the Pond

The striped snakehead, or murrel, Channa striatus, is a carnivorous air breather that is highly valued in the market because…

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Hybrid fish species and its potentialities

What is hybrid species? The basis of heterosis is built on what are known as dominance genetic effects, which are…

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The importance of Striped Snakehead (Channa striata) fish in aquaculture industry

The Bengali term for the striped snakehead fish, or Channa striata, is “Shoal.” This type of freshwater fish is found…

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Culture techniques of Coral / vetki or seabass fish in Bangladesh

The cultivation of Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer), greenback mullet (Chelon subviridis), nona tengra (Mystus gulio), seaweed, oysters, and green mussels…

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Intro of Boal / helicopter catfish and its culture potentialities

Southeast and South Asia are home to the boal, also known as Wallago attu, a freshwater catfish. The fish, which…

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Severe storms cause an ocean upwelling and impact on aquatic ecosystem

What is upwelling? The process known as upwelling occurs when currents from winds and Earth’s rotation push cold, deep water…

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Small Indigenous Species (SIS) and its importance

What is SIS? Fish that reach a mature or adult life cycle stage of 25 cm, or 9 inches, are…

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Native catfish, Ompok Pabda and its huge potential for aquaculture industry

The native butter catfish, or Ompok pabda, is a member of the Siluriformes order and family Siluridae. Due to several…

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