Search Results for: chittagong


Black Tiger shrimp’s revival continues as profit drops on Vannamei

The black tiger is referred to “poor farmer’s shrimp”. It is less expensive for farming and has lower disease rates…

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Dry fish sector of Bangladesh requires more attention

Bangladesh’s dried fish is gaining traction both in the local and export market. Local consumption of Bangladesh is quite large…

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How far is Vannamei shrimps commercial farming in Bangladesh

Shrimp is one of the top seafood delicacy across the globe regardless the borders and cultures. Seafood enthusiast loves shrimps…

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Seaweed can contribute to the Blue Economy of Bangladesh

Experimental cultivation of two species of seaweed first began at Saint Martin’s Island in 2010. Since 2016, Bangladesh Agricultural Research…

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Authorities have taken strong stands against shrimp adulteration.

Frozen fish exporters say, few depots in Khulna often inject jelly like liquid substances or tiny transparent marbles to increase…

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