Search Results for: aquaculture


The pros and cons of selective breeding technique for aquaculture sustainability

What is Selective Breeding Technique? In an effort to increase the population’s breeding value, selective breeding involves choosing and mating…

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Hormones, antibiotics and waste polluting Bangladesh’s freshwater aquaculture, raising safety concerns!

Bangladesh is an agro-based economy, and the freshwater aquaculture plays a significant role in reducing protein deficit and malnutrition while…

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Spotted snakehead or Taki fish; its importance and culture potentialities in aquaculture industry

Taki fish: One member of the Channidae family is the spotted snakehead catfish or taki fish (Channa punctata). Asia is…

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The importance of Striped Snakehead (Channa striata) fish in aquaculture industry

The Bengali term for the striped snakehead fish, or Channa striata, is “Shoal.” This type of freshwater fish is found…

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Smart Silvofishery: An eco-friendly way to boost aquaculture output

Indonesia, a coastal gem abundant in marine resources, has a rich history of traditional fish and shrimp farming. However, the…

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Native catfish, Ompok Pabda and its huge potential for aquaculture industry

The native butter catfish, or Ompok pabda, is a member of the Siluriformes order and family Siluridae. Due to several…

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Jashore’s aquaculture industry flourishes with bountiful harvests

In Jashore district, fish production increases yearly, with an average production worth Tk500 crores. As a result, the district has…

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Consultant (Aquaculture and Fisheries Specialist)

Job Context AquaData – a Work Package of the Resilient Aquatic Food Systems for Healthy People and Planet of One…

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Proper management practices of Shing fish aquaculture

A highly sought-after species of freshwater fish, the stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) or Shing fish is also one of the…

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Shrimp exports of Iran increased, paving the way for global aquaculture success

In the first five months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-August 22), shrimp exports of Iran experienced a…

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