Search Results for: seafood


Bangladesh-Myanmar Trade Imbalance Widens

The trade between Myanmar and Bangladesh shows that Myanmar’s exports are doing better than its imports. Myanmar sells more than…

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Feasibility of Mullet culture in Bangladesh

The Mullet, an omnivorous fish species recognized for its ability to adapt for a range of temperatures and salinity. Mullet…

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Current status of shrimp farming in Satkhira, Khulna

Shrimp has become one of the most important export items in recent decades due to rising international demand. Shrimp farming…

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Gracilaria seaweed farming, a path to sustainable coasts and better livelihoods

WORLDFISH has started a project called “Seaweed and Green Mussel production” for “Alternative income generating activities for poor coastal communities”.…

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Indonesia has set a $7.6 billion fisheries export target for 2023

The Indonesian government wants to bring in 7.6 billion USD from fishery and marine exports by 2023. The value of…

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ওয়ার্কশপ মেকানিক-কাম-ওয়েল্ডার

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Restoring coastal ecosystems from the impact of Aquaculture and fisheries activities

The coastal ecosystem can be identified where the land and the sea meet. This type of ecosystem consists of a…

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Mariculture, a potential industry to add earnings in Bangladesh’s economy

Mariculture or marine farming refers to the raising of marine organisms for harvest in seawater. It can be done in…

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Shrimp adulteration may jeopardize the export market of Bangladesh

Radiya Ahmed, a housewife, purchased a kilogram of large shrimp from a local fish market for BDT 500 (USD 5).…

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Fisheries activities and effects on estuarine ecosystems

A coastal body of brackish water that is partially contained, has one or more rivers or streams flowing into it,…

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