Search Results for: seafood


Cluster based shrimp farming, a light of hope for Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat farmers

The implementation of cluster-based shrimp farming in the coastal areas of Khulna and Bagerhat has brought new opportunities for farmers…

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Conservation of Riverine Pangas is a concerning issue

There was a time when big sized riverine Rui, Katla, Pangas etc fishes were served any occasions to guests. River…

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Snakehead fish fry “Baish” catching should be prohibited

More than 300 native freshwater fish species were discovered in Bangladesh at one time. Many species have become extinct, while…

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BCSIR developed efficient and hygienic methods for dry fish production

Fish must be preserved for future use because it is an exceptionally perishable food item. The Bangladeshi farming community is…

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WorldFish handed over rapidly-growing G3 Rohu to DoF Bangladesh

A workshop titled “WorldFish Carp Genetic Improvement Program” was organized at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center in Dhaka, funded by…

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Guide to design aquaponics system for commercial purpose

Aquaponics is a method of cultivating both fish and vegetables that is environmentally friendly. Individuals, entrepreneurs, academics, missionaries, and governments…

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Business Insights

April 2023,
Shrimp Export Infographic, Khulna

During the month of April 2023, there have been 65 containers shipped out from the Khulna region. Out of which,…

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Fish production increases, so does the concern

Bangladesh continues to keep its position as the third-ranked producer of freshwater fish and the fifth-ranked producer of aquaculture fish…

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Heat wave causes a huge loss to the Satkhira shrimp farmers

Since the summer has started in Bangladesh, the entire country is experiencing an unusual low rainfall and scorching heat. It…

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Canned Hilsa, a new hope to the fisheries sector and a distinct flavor to the gourmets

Canned fish is a convenient dish that is used by people all over the world for quick and hassle-free meals.…

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