Search Results for: aquaculture

Project Manager-Fisheries

Job Context We are looking proactive, dynamic & highly motivated professionals for a modern hatchery, culture and bio-floc project. We…

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Exploring the shrimp market 2023: Key Trends, and Forecasts

Growing seafood consumption and technological advancements in shrimp farming have contributed to the growth of the global shrimp market. Additionally,…

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Vietnamese shrimp industry expanding global reach: targeting new markets

Currently, Vietnam is the world’s second-largest shrimp exporter. Globally, Vietnamese shrimp is exported to around 100 countries and territories, including…

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Concerns and remedy of mariculture development in Bangladesh

After the resolution of the maritime boundary delimitation disputes with Myanmar in 2012 and India in 2014, respectively, debates on…

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মার্কেট প্রমোশন অফিসার (এমপিও)

Job Context গ্রিনডেল বাংলাদেশ লিমিটেড একটি দ্রুত সম্প্রসারণশীল অ্যানিমাল হেলথ কোম্পানি যা বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে মাছ, হাঁসমুরগি ও গবাদিপশুর ঔষধ…

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Impacts of climate change on fish production in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable nation to climate change because of its position. The fisheries and aquaculture industries…

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Proper management practices of carp fish culture

The development of Bangladesh’s aquaculture industry can be greatly aided by the use of more effective methods of management of…

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Vietnam positioned second in shrimp export globally

Vietnam shrimp exports reached a record high of US$4.3 billion last year, up 11.2% from the previous year. Moreover, shrimp…

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Prospects and problems of common Carp culture in Bangladesh

The family Cyprinidae, which is thought to be the biggest family of freshwater fish, includes common carp (Cyprinus carpio). It…

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Climate change poses dire threat to seafood industry

The seafood industry has been marketed to consumers as a sustainable “meat” of the future world. Yet, a new study…

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